Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Phase 1 Day 9

Breakfast: Berry-Banana-Tofu-Flax Smoothie (adapted, 1.2)
Snack 1: Papaya & Cashews
Lunch: Tarragon Chicken Salad (1.2)
Snack 2: Avocado with Lemon (1.1)
Dinner: Cocoa-Bean Soup, 2 svg (1.2)

To sweeten the smoothie a little bit, I replaced some of the berries with banana. And the tofu helped to give the smoothie a creamier texture and bump up its protein content.

I'm surprised that I'm really starting to enjoy the tarragon chicken salad. Try it out if you haven't yet! :)

I wasn't much a fan of last week's arugula salad with golden vinaigrette that would normally accompany the black-bean cocoa soup, so for dinner I just had an extra cup of the soup. Here, I added some cilantro and used a combination of leftover black and adzuki beans.

p90X Yoga X

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